Pink Moon Pu'er
Pink Moon Pu'er
Pink Moon Pu'er
Pink Moon Pu'er
Pink Moon Pu'er
Pink Moon Pu'er
Pink Moon Pu'er

Pink Moon Pu'er

Sip by the light of the MOON

A dark, sultry tea with sweet sticky rice notes will delight your lips as you caffeinate your mind awake into brilliance

Taste: Sweet Sticky Rice & Rich Earth

Effects: Clean Caffeination & Digestive Tonic

Caffeine: Yep!

Pink Moon Pu'er is one of my favorite teas

A sweet and easy introduction to the world of Pu’er, these are Tuo Cha—Chinese Shou Pu'er leaves packed tight with Nuo Mi Xian, an herb with a sweet rice taste!

Named to honor the Moon, our luminous sky partner

2 oz a pouch (makes 25+ cups)
4 oz in a tin (makes 50+ cups)